Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati: Justice Circles
Every year, from March 8-14, we celebrate Catholic Sisters Week, recognizing the contributions that Catholic Sisters have made – and continue to make – in the world. While they have historically and currently contributed much to education and health care, Catholic Sisters have also contributed much to the work of social justice.
The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati underwent a two-year discernment process, reflecting on how we as Catholic Sisters are being called today to respond to the needs of the world and partner with others to create a more just and caring world for all. This process led to the creation of our six topical Justice Circles, where a group of Sisters, Associates, and community members discuss and work together to lead the congregation and our larger community towards a more just future on a particular issue. Our six Justice Circles are as follows: United Nations NGO Impact; Immigration and Ending Human Trafficking; Poverty, Homelessness, and Food Insecurity; Racial Justice; Earth Justice; and Peace and Nonviolence. This year for Catholic Sisters Week, we will have one Sister from each Justice Circle share a bit about her Justice Circle topic and why it is important to her and our Community’s spirituality. We hope that you will enjoy these videos and share them as you are able! Our Justice Circles are built on intersectionality and collaboration with other justice advocates, so if you would like to join or connect with one of our Circles, that information can be found in the video’s caption or by visiting our website:
Office of Peace, Justice and Care for Creation | Sisters of Charity (srcharitycinti.org)