by Spalding Hurst | Feb 25, 2021 | Front Page
From The Dialogue The Benedictine Sisters of Delaware are joining communities of religious women across the country to put a spotlight on food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic. During National Catholic Sisters Week, they are making monetary contributions to...
by Spalding Hurst | Feb 19, 2021 | Front Page
Gary Loncki, CWR member and Communicator for the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas talks about Catholic Sisters...
by Spalding Hurst | Feb 17, 2021 | Front Page
Katie Gordon, Nuns & Nones National Organizer, shares why Sisters’ stories are transforming. Visit and join the celebration March 8-14, 2021. Create your video and share the link with us! VIEW and SHARE Katie’s video...
by Spalding Hurst | Feb 8, 2021 | Front Page
Fr. James Martin, SJ, talks about his heroes, women religious. Visit and join the celebration March 8-14, 2021. Fr Jim is editor-at-large of the Jesuit magazine America. In 2017, Pope Francis appointed him as a consultant to the...
by Spalding Hurst | Feb 2, 2021 | Front Page
Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt, BVM, is a chaplain for the Loyola Ramblers men’s basketball team of Loyola University Chicago. She invites us to celebrate Catholic Sisters Week. Create your video and share the link with us! VIEW and SHARE Sister Jean’s video...